August 22 is the day of memory of Dinmukhamed Kunaev
29 years ago, on August 22, 1993, Dinmukhamed Kunaev, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan from 1960 to 1962 and from 1964 to 1986, passed away. His wise rule brought outstanding results to Kazakhstan: the rapid growth of the economy and culture, the construction of the most famous sights of Almaty and much more. Residents of Kazakhstan still remember Kunaev with gratitude.
Kunaev's reign is a truly unique period in the history of our country. For 24 years (with a break) Kazakhstan has been constantly developing, the republic has not had a single stagnant year. The volume of industrial production under him increased 9 times, construction - 8 times, agriculture - 6 times. The republic has become a major center of the fuel and energy industry.
During the period from 1955 to 1985, buildings appeared in Alma-Ata that were awarded the State Prizes of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR, landscaped avenues, streets, squares, squares, elegant houses, beautiful administrative buildings, monuments were erected on the largest squares.
More specifically, here is a list of what was built specifically about Kunaev:
State Museum of Arts named after Kasteev, Sports Palace named after 50th Anniversary of October, State Museum of the Kazakh SSR, Government House of the Kazakh SSR, Central Library, Central Stadium, Kazakh National Theater. Auzov, State Circus, Park named after. 28 Panfilov Guardsmen, Green Bazaar, Arasan bathhouse, Chokan Valikhanov monument, Abai monument, Kazakhstan hotel, Schoolchildren’s Palace, Medeo anti-mudflow dam, Medeo high-mountain skating rink, Alma-Ata airport, Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences, “Koktobe” TV tower.
What did Dinmukhamed Kunaev himself say about his service to the people?
"I have always faithfully served my people and will serve them until the last day."
“The Kazakhs say: “If you don’t know your neighbor, then you don’t know your ancestors either.” The unique feature of our people is that our people even without records know their ancestors up to the seventh generation. Every person should know his family tree.
And here is what his contemporaries said about Kunaev.
Bauyrzhan Momyshuly (People's Hero of Kazakhstan, Hero of the Soviet Union, writer): "I am proud of my people, their worthy son ... this is a historical fact ...".
Mukhtar Auezov (Kazakh writer, scientist): "The fate of Dimash should be the pride of the Kazakh people, may God keep him."
Ilyas Esenberlin (writer, author of the trilogy "Nomads"): "Prominent people are born either for the happiness or for the grief of their people" - says a Kazakh proverb. Dimash Akhmedovich was born for the happiness of the people and is especially dear to each of us.”
In 2022, the city of Kapshagai in the Almaty region was renamed in honor of Dinmukhamed Kunaev, and a monument was opened in Taraz in his honor.
Author:Igor Toporkov
Photo: archives of press services