The beginning of the way

The rite "Tusaukeser" is performed to strengthen the first steps of the child. The legs are tied to the baby and held with a rope in the ankle area in order to cut the fetters.

  The "Tusaukeser" ritual is carried out to strengthen the first steps of the child. The baby's legs are tied and a rope is held between the legs in the ankle area in order to cut the bonds. There are three types of tying the baby's legs: black and white rope, greens, and mutton guts. Each harness has a sacred meaning.

The sacred meaning of the black-and-white rope is hidden in the awareness of the duality of our world: it must be admitted that inside: the light has the darkness, the day has the night; there is loyalty and betrayal, life and death. In other words, two opposites of light and dark colors: yin and yang. Thus, the purpose of human existence is the balance and harmony of opposites. Also, Kazakhs say: "Bireudin ala zhibin attama", which means: "Do not harm anyone; do not steal someone else's property"(literally: "Do not step over someone else's rope"). Thus, cutting the black and white rope signifies a step towards an honest, conscientious, and just life. In the book of Ayyp Nusipokasuly "Tal besikten zher besikke deyin" the fetters from greenery wish the baby healthy offspring that will grow and prosper. And fatty lamb intestines as a rope mean calm first steps, wealth, prosperity, and fruitful existence.

In various parts of our country, the ritual "Tusaukeser" is carried out differently with a regional bias. Nevertheless, it is desirable for us to remember: we follow traditions not because there is something prophetic about them, but only because we are obliged to honor ancient customs. It is vital to find a balance between the words of our ancestors and common sense in the modern world. Thus, for instance, many do not allow to cut the fetters with scissors, predicting a contradictory future for the child; others, on the contrary, buy new scissors to leave this day in the memory of their parents, since a knife cannot be given.

Some people ask “aksakals” and noble elders to cut the bonds so that the child can live a long life among grandchildren and great-grandchildren, while others say that it is best to entrust this honorable mission, not to the elderly, but to show honor to young and energetic people - this way the baby will start walking faster. Some people believe that men should cut the bonds for boys and women for girls. Others, without bothering, choose a noble person.

Our contemporaries, observing ancient Kazakh traditions, notice that ethnic rituals, taking into account the biological and physiological changes of the baby, develop her vital characteristics, which subsequently affects the spiritual formation of the child's personality, forms her character, as well as mental, mental and moral qualities of the individual.

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Author: Madina Kurbanalieva, @madina_kurbanali

Translator-editor: Chingiz Smakov

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