Following in the footsteps of their parents
If you convert into numbers all the years spent in a white coat in the waiting room, at receptions of patients, at the department in front of students four representatives of a medical dynasty Dosbaevs, in total it turns out - more than 100 years of service to people.

The initiator of the dynasty is the title that can be given to Zhenis Ashirovich Dosbaev. In 1964 the young man from Bestobe village of Kegen district of Almaty region went to conquer Almaty. And Almaty Medical Institute (nowadays Kazakh National Medical Institute named after Asfendiyarov) became his alma mater for 8 years. In 1972 he got the cherished red diploma of the doctor. First place of work was Talgar central regional polyclinic, and the hard routine of country doctor began. And then the offer to share the experience and to teach the students of Talgar Medical College. Already in 1999 having headed this educational institution, within 15 years he was its director. And even today he doesn't sit idly by: he is the founder of a private medical college.
Leila Kudusovna Kupidinova, also a graduate of the medical institute of Almaty, became his girlfriend. After graduation she worked as a therapist in clinical hospital № 12 of Almaty, then she began to teach the basics of therapy to students of Talgar Medical College.
It is not surprising that her daughters, Dilyara and Diana, followed in their parents' footsteps. Dilara's experience as a dental surgeon is approaching the jubilee figure of 20. After studying at the legendary Kazakh National Medical University named after Asfendiyarov, which is their family's alma mater, Diana decided to specialize in cardiology and defend her doctoral dissertation. And the first workplace for Diana, a successor of the dynasty, was an office at the Talgar Central District Hospital. Both Dilara and Diana are doubly pleased to hear the words of gratitude from the old residents of Talgar: "This is the daughter of Zhenis and Leila...".
Kinship of souls is manifested not only in commitment to one profession, but also in communication in-touch, hobbies, friendship, and family leisure.
The fate lines of the Dosbaevs show that a dynasty is a great responsibility to each other of people bound by blood ties and who have chosen the same profession. And a medical family dynasty is also a responsibility to thousands of people in need of help.
Author / Nadezhda Sergeeva
Photo / Daulet Kazhkenov, @dan_smat