Sarkyt: to take or not to take

Do you remember when we were children, we were waiting for our parents to come back from guests? After all, when they came back from any event, they always brought sarkyt with them. The same bag with all the gastronomic delights of those times.

I don't know, maybe due to the fact that our childhood was in the 90s, and for someone else it was in the Soviet period, where there was no such a variety of products as there is now, the sarkit was perceived as a little holiday.

Let's discuss the subject of sarkyt today.

Sarkyt is a part of the treats from the dastarkhan for the guests. A national tradition and obligatory etiquette. Not giving sarkyt or refusing it, you can easily be called an ill-mannered person.

Sarkyt is a concern for the guests, a demonstration of respect. Everyone who came, left their affairs, took their time, and at home, for example, waiting for the children, for whom they did not have time to cook dinner. In this way, you show your care for them.

Sarkyt is a portion of treats for someone who couldn't make it to the event. A show of consideration, to make the person happy by sharing their joy or sorrow with you.

Sarkyt is a tradition whereby we take on the joy of the birthday boy, whether he is an aksakal or an infant.  "Zhugysty bolsyn!" ("I wish you the same!") is the host's admonition to the guest.

Sarkyt is almost a pragmatic custom, so that food does not go bad and it does not go to waste.

What is your attitude to sarkyt? Do you take it or refuse it? Is this tradition necessary now?

P.S. I do not take sarkyt, for I consider it a purely feminine topic.


Author: Dias Kameridanov 

Illustration: @mussa.sketch 

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